life coach rona 16 12 18 let go


Is there a part of you that dreads the Holidays?

I observe that many clients and friends feel angst at the thought of being with the mother-in-law who always says just the wrong thing; the older brother who treats him as though he was still in his teens; the sister-in-law who complains all the time...

Many are not necessarily “eagerly” anticipating time with family.

I do eagerly anticipate time with my family and often wondered how we consistently enjoy each other’s company so much. I think it comes down to this: Letting go.

I think in our own way we are each really good at staying in the present moment and in doing so, we leave our past in the past. When we have the inevitable annoyance or disagreement, we see it as just that, and nothing more. We let go.

If someone says or does the “wrong” thing I think we have enough humility to remember that none of us are perfect, so we don’t judge too harshly. We let go.

We remember that beneath the idiosyncrasy is a good person whom we love.

The holidays are a great opportunity for us to practice letting go.

Each moment with our families offers us the choice to let go of a past hurt or perceived injustice. We can choose to let go of judgment and expectations.

We can, instead, turn our focus to what’s good about that loved one. –If you look for what is good in another you will always find it. Promise!

As we let go, we are free and more open to experiencing the potential for joy that awaits us all in the present moment.

This Season, let go, and be joyful! ????



life coach rona 16 12 11 grinch


Are you someone who sails buoyantly through the holidays on a wave of excitement for the season?

I have never been that person. Quite the opposite: I bob along trying to keep my head above water while an undercurrent of stress threatens to take me under!

But that’s okay. It’s all just another opportunity to hone my skill of cultivating peace and happiness–even amidst a little external chaos!

Connection is an important component of happiness, and the busyness of the season offers increased opportunity to connect with our human family.

As we go about our days, let’s try to remember that just as we are being pulled in multiple directions so are all of the people we depend on: the sales clerks, the barista at Starbucks, the 800# customer service rep., our kids’ teachers, the gas station attendant, etc.

Remembering that everyone we interact with is feeling the same (or more!) additional stress increases our compassion for one another.

One way to connect and to express our compassion is a simple act of kindness: a smile, a little patience, a sincere “thank you,” and a heartfelt “enjoy your holidays!”

Connecting in this way raises our happiness and the happiness of those around us.

As you go about your business this week, vow to stay open to the spirit of the season and be kind to your fellow human. Go ahead and spread a little holiday cheer! ????