life coach rona 17 01 29 winnie the pooh


"I commit to taking full responsibility for my life, my happiness, and my goals; I absolve anyone and everything from the past or present from having any control over my happiness. I commit to honoring and celebrating the gift of my life by giving my greatest gifts in greatest service to You, my family, and our world."

I read this little pledge each morning (well, “most” mornings ) and when I do I always feel a positive shift in my energy. –This is a great way to start a day!

The first sentence reminds me that I have all the power. Regardless of all that we face that seems so out of our control, we get to choose how we will respond to what life serves up.

The second sentence reminds me of what it is all about: discovering and then sharing our gifts. This reminds me that it is not all about me. We are each part of a bigger whole and we are meant to contribute to one another’s lives in some way: through a beautiful piece of art, a caring hand, constructing buildings, teaching, making money that can be redistributed elsewhere, or a kind word or gesture.

These two sentences, planted in my consciousness as I begin a day, helps to make each day a favorite one.

May today be your favorite day!


life coach rona 17 01 22 walt whitman


We all want to feel good.

At the core of everything we do is a desire to feel good. I call it happiness. You might call it peace, pleasure, security, freedom, meaning, joy, fulfillment, enlightenment. ––Whatever it is you are reaching for the ultimate goal is to feel good!

In our desire to feel good we search for a mate, diet, eat, vacation, climb mountains, have kids, decorate our homes. We strive for an active social life, career success, or more time to relax. We exercise; we shop; we numb out. –All this because we want to feel better.

Amidst our pursuit of all these things, we forget how much power we have in a single moment.

In each moment we are choosing between love or fear, hope or hopelessness, satisfaction or regret, forgiveness or retribution, peace or worry, kindness or apathy.

Each moment, we make a decision whether to let go or to hold on, to surrender or to fight, to use our imagination to conjure thoughts about our dreams or about what we fear.

What we choose in each moment will result in one of two outcomes: feeling good or not feeling good.

Today I choose love, hope, satisfaction, forgiveness, and kindness. I choose to let go, to surrender to what is, and to use my imagination to replace my biggest worries with my wildest dreams.

Because when I do this, I feel good. ––And isn’t that the point of it all?!

What about you–what will you choose today?